Lassen County Supervisor
Tom Hammond
Term: (1) 2013-2014
(2) 2014-2018
(3 term limit)
A Supervisor for profit
County continues to purchase from Supervisor Hammond's business
Supervisor Hammond reveals that he secretly helped Pezzullo during public bid for the Amedee parcels
elected on 9/10/13
took office on 9/24/13 due to delays by County Clerk and Recalled Supervisor Jack Hanson
March 23, 2017
Supervisor Hammond Attends Pezzullo's
Assessment Appeal Hearing
to reduce County Property taxes
on Pezzullo's Herlong property
Chris Montgomery setting up video camera in back row. NEXT ROW UP: Supervisor Hammond and Supervisor Hemphill
L to R: HSP Resource partners Steve Pezzullo and Larry Smith
Supervisor Hammond reveals that he secretly helped Pezzullo during public bid for the Amedee parcels
November 7, 2015
Lassen County's Fraud & Abuse
"Bob Burns: The Dark Stinky Stain on the County"
The Lassen County Supervisors decided to hire the sitting District Attorney Bob Burns as their new County Counsel when the current County Counsel Retta Vander Ploeg gave her notice. The Supervisors decided to hire Burns at an out-of-town meeting, out of Susanville. This meeting was held in Bieber. No audible motion was made to hire him and yet the Supervisors signed his contract on May 16, 2014.
On September 24, 2013, Tom Hammond was seated after District 5 Supervisor Jack Hanson was recalled.
Tom Hammond was Lassen County Vendor #611 when he was seated on the Board of Supervisors. Hammond knew that he was doing business with Lassen County for years and it would be a conflict if it was not disclosed. Over the next two years Supervisor Hammond continued to do business with Lassen County, a lot of business.
Burns said nothing, Egan said nothing. HAMMOND SAID NOTHING, until inquiries were made about the conflict of interest.
CAo Richard Egan never brought this issue immediately to the Board when he was hired on February 25, 2014. Egan was Lassen County Treasurer, and long time resident, prior to being hired by the Supervisors as County Administrative Officer.
For the past two years Tom Hammond has continued to violate the FPPC rule that requires the Board of Supervisors to "ratify" doing business with Supervisor Hammond
Supervisor Hammond did not disclose to the FPPC that he was doing business with Lassen County. The FPPC fined Supervisor Hammond $2500 for voting on the Pezzullo Herlong Sale and had this been disclosed the FPPC would have fined Hammond over $5,000.
Agenda H-4 was placed on the October 13, 2015 Board of Supervisors Agenda [see 10/17/15 post below] to allegedly give CAo Richard Egan special authority to approve spending over $25,000 for 14 accounts (Totally unnecessary due to budget restrictions already in place). The real goal was not the 14 accounts, but just Supervisor Tom Hammonds account for his businesses in Herlong. Listen to the Burns & Egan Agenda H-4 Discussion on 10/13/15
Suddenly Cao Richard Egan advises the Supervisors that they should take a separate action on Supervisor Hammond's business. The vote was unanimous to continue doing business with "The Mark" (Hammond's business in Herlong). This vote should have been made the day Supervisor Hammond took office (9/24/13) two years ago when County Counsel Vander Ploeg was still there. Vander Ploeg is the "attorney" that advised Tom Hammond that he could vote on the Pezzullo/Herlong sale. A vote that cost Supervisor Hammond a FPPC $2500 fine.
NOW........County Counsel Bob Burns advises the Supervisors that under Government Code 1091 (c) 8 a majority vote must be taken for Lassen County to continue doing business with Supervisor Hammond
No such code exists
L: Bob Burns
On October 27, 2015 Kan We Help advised the Supervisors, in writing, that the County Clerk had changed this erroneous code, 1091 (c) 8 in the October 13, 2015 Minutes to 1091/1091 (b) 8. The Supervisors, after Kan We Help disclosed the error, passed the Minutes without correcting the Minutes.
The Supervisors never discussed correcting the Minutes. Burnsfake code was changed to 1091 (b) 8.
CAo Egan claimed that he had suspended Supervisor Hammond's account in July of this year.
Of course that was a bold face lie
July 21, 2015
Supervisor Tom Hammond
Made a Motion on September 23, 2014
to approve releasing the Amedee RFP
*which included the east end of the Army Airfield
Payoff's don't always come in the form of cash
Supervisor Pyle and CAO Egan sported new trucks
Tax Assessor Dan Schlueter excluded the east end of the Army's airfield prior to the sale being recorder. Lassen County has a 50 year lease with the Army for this 10,000 foot airstrip
July 7, 2015
Supervisor Hammond lied to the public about Susanville's Grant at the 6/23/15 Board of Supervisors meeting.
"The grant had nothing to do with the pool"......WROING AGAIN MR HAMMOND
June 23, 2015
What little credibility he had left is GONE
Supervisor Hammond & Chapman
misled the public
Lassen County District 2 Supervisor Jim Chapman and District 5 Supervisor Tom Hammond sit on the Honey Lake Valley Recreation Authority created by the City of Susanville and Lassen County.
Honey Lake Valley Recreation Authority
These two men attended the June 16, 2015 HLVRA meeting when the Executive Director Jarod Hancock announced that Susanville did not get the OGALS Grant. The OGALS Grant, if awarded, was to be used for Susanville's share ($1.1 million) of the construction costs for the community pool. Susanville must now find another source for the pool construction costs.
The County will hold onto the $1.1 million that they borrowed on June 4, 2015 until Susanville can find a source for the pool construction costs.
Chapman and Hammond stated clearly that this Grant had nothing to do with the pool.
June 11, 2015
Integrity is important to Supervisor Albaugh
At the June 9, 2015 Lassen County Board of Supervisors meeting, District 4 Supervisor Albaugh castigated Supervisor Hammond for putting his own integrity at stake when Hammond secretly met with Steve Pezzullo, Larry Smith and Aric Manner (Sierra Army Depot Chief of Staff) during a public bidding process.
June 9, 2015 BOS meeting: Supervisor Albaugh not happy with Hammond's actions
On February 17, 2015, Tom Hammond admits meeting secretly with Pezzullo during a public bidding process
County Counsel Bob Burns sits and does nothing
Watch the February 17, 2015 video and then watch Hammond back tracking his statement on May 19, 2015
VIDEO: The 2/17/15 statement followed by the 5/19/15 statement
District 5 Supervisor Tom Hammond cast the deciding vote to give Pezzullo and friends,not only the 400 acre township of Herlong but the 3500 acres surrounding the Sierra Army Depot.
Hammond owns the only grocery and gas stations (2) in Herlong and refused to step down when both issues came to the floor for votes.
May 29, 2015
Steve Pezzullo, Larry Smith, Tom Hammond and Hal Hays
RESULTS: In two years, no improvements in Herlong. Just t a l k..................
Pezzullo's HSP Resources, Inc. [formed immediately for the purchase of the Township of Herlong] has done NOTHING except complain about paying property taxes.
Thanks to Supervisor Hammond, for $56,900, they own the 4,000 acres of the public land that surrounds the Sierra Army Depot
...and he gets a "NO COMPETITION" promise?
May 27, 2015
Lassen County Supervisor Tom Hammond's
boy scout demeanor
more than tarnished
Watch the February 17, 2015 video and then watch Hammond back tracking his statement on May 19, 2015
VIDEO: The 2/17/15 statement followed by the 5/19/15 statement
1. The Amedee Parcels RFP was issued on 9/23/14
2. The public bidding process was from 9/23/14 to 2/17/15
3.On 12/11/14, HSP Resources stated in their bid that they were in negotiations with the Sierra Army Depot
4. Chief of Staff of the Sierra Army Depot (Aric Manner) stated on 1/6/15 he did not know anyone from HSP Resources
5. On 2/17/15, Supervisor Hammond admits he met secretly three (3) times with HSP Resources & Sierra Army Depot Chief of Staff Aric Manner
6. On May 19, 2015, Supervisor Hammond admits that on 1/14/15 and 2/11/15 he met with HSP Resources and Sierra Army Depot Chief of Staff Aric Manner for "tours" of the Sierra Army Depot. Supervisor Hammond did not disclose the date of the third meeting?
On 2/17/15, Supervisor Hammond was the deciding vote to give HSP Resources 3400 acres of public land for $25,000.
On October 8, 2013 Hammond voted to give HSP Resources the township of Herlong (over 400 acres for $31,900)
Supervisor Hammond was fined $2500 by the FPPC for this vote. Hammond owns two businesses in Herlong; a deli/gas station and a market/gas station in Herlong.
Did Tom Hammond's vote insure that he would be the only business to sell food and gasoline in Herlong?
May 21, 2015
At the FPPC's meeting this morning, the FPPC confirmed the $2,500 Conflict of Interest penalty
against Supervisor Hammond for his October 8, 2013 vote, to sell the township of Herlong to Steve Pezzullo
May 18, 2015
Accountability through Exposure
Gifts of Public Funds
Supervisor Hammond violated the FPPC's Conflict of Interest law on October 8, 2013 by voting to approve the sale of the township of Herlong to Steve Pezzullo.
Mr. Hammond replaced Recalled Supervisor Jack Hanson in September of 2013.
Tom Hammond campaigned on stopping conflict of interests...............Right?
Not one Stop Sign, but two Stop Signs were installed on private property in January/2014 at Mr. Hammond's direction.
On June 17, 2014, Supervisor Hammond slipped the purchase of these stop signs for Pezzullo's V-2 Parcel, in the Consent Calendar for the County taxpayers to pay.
Conflicts of Interest
Mr. Hammond votes for Steve Pezzullo:
2 in 2013
14 in 2014
4 in 2015.....
Supervisor Hammond's "friend" is fighting paying his taxes to Lassen County for his "TOWN"
May 14, 2015
Supervisor Hammond
Supervisor Hammond
A Politician 4 Profit
Read the decision:
Kan We Help filed a Political Reform Act violation, with the FPPC, after Lassen County District 5 Supervisor Tom Hammond refused to recuse himself from the vote on October 8, 2013.This vote gave Steve Pezzullo 400 acres of land (the township of Herlong) and was the first step to assure that Supervisor Hammond would be the only business to sell groceries, food or gas in Herlong.
The FPPC determined that Supervisor Hammond's vote was a "CONFLICT OF INTEREST" because he owned two businesses in Herlong which would financially be effected by his vote
Watch the arrogance of this elected official
...and now read how the County Clerk hides Kan We Help's Public Comment about Mr. Hammond's FPPC $2500 fine in the Minutes
Kan We Help asked Supervisor Hammond to recuse himself again on February 17, 2015 from the vote when he admitted meeting secretly with Steve Pezzullo [the same buyer for the October 8, 2013 vote] after Pezzullo submitted a bid for more public property in Herlong. Supervisor Hammond's vote was the deciding vote to give Steve Pezzullo an additional 3400 acres of public land in Herlong, California.
THE FPPC FINED SUPERVISOR HAMMOND ONLY $2,500 penalty for his 2013 vote claiming Hammond "didn't know"
March 16, 2015
County Counsel Ignores Brown Act, again and again
Tom Hammond violated the public trust
Lassen County Counsel Bob Burns ignored Supervisor Hammond's confession which disqualified him from voting, on February 17, 2015,
to give HSP Resources another 3,400 acres of public land in Herlong
Section 54960.1 (c) 2 of the Brown Act now requires a public entity to respond to a complaint
March 10, 2015
Susan Osgood, Deputy Clerk of the Board,
Intentionally attempts to Deceive the Board
at the
March 10, 2015 Board
Watch the CAO's reaction to the discussion: video
Even the audience is in disbelief
Susan Osgood, Deputy Clerk of the Board (according to her payroll records), told the Board that Supervisor Hemphill and Supervisor Hammond did not attend the September 23, 2014 Board of Supervisors Meeting. Hammond began meeting with HSP Resources after the Public Bid was released to assist them in winning the Bid for the 3,000 Acre Amedee Airfield Parcel RFP.
Osgood attempted to remove Hammond from one of the Amedee Airfield RFP votes.
As Deputy Clerk of the Board, Susan
prepares the Minutes
for the Board of Supervisors
Supervisor Hammond knew he attended the September 23, 2014 meeting, but said nothing. Hammond voted to approve the Amedee Airfield Parcels RFP at the September 23, 2014 meeting.
Hammond later admitted that he was secretly working with one of the Bidders (HSP Resources, LLC) on this public Request for Proposal so that HSP Resources (Pezzullo) would have an advantage in the bidding process.
Hammond's vote was the "deciding vote" to award
the 3,000 acres to HSP for $25,000. KWH files a second FPPC complaint against Tom Hammond
Attempting to lesson the quilt by trying to get it in the record that he wasn't present for the vote on September 23, 2014 to approve release of the RFP, well oops,
Kan We Help can say......GOTCHA
Time for you to leave Mr. Hammond
February 17, 2015
Supervisor Chapman
Sets Up
Supervisor Hammond
Lassen County Supervisor Jim Chapman found out about the lies that were being told
and set Supervisor Hammond up for the fall
Amedee Parcels sale to Pezzullo
At the February 17, 2015 Lassen County Board of Supervisors meeting Supervisor Chapman asks CAo Egan if he could confirm that the Commander of Sierra Army Depot never spoke with anyone from HSP Resources about the Amedee Airfield parcels that the County was selling.
Egan very reluctantly & with a confused look on his face
confirmed that the Commander stated that he was not in contact with HSP Resources
What happened next was unique to say the least:
Supervisor Hammond stated firmly that he had been meeting with the Commander of the Sierra Army Base that included a contract for HSP Resources .
*watch a very nervous bob burns*
In fact, Supervisor Hammond stated that he and the "other people" had met three times.
Hal Hays did publicly state on February 10, 2015 that he had a meeting on February 11, 2015 with the Army Base ?
Supervisor Albaugh made a motion to throw out all the bids and do it right. This motion was seconded by Supervisor Chapman.
Supervisor Hammond voted no on scraping the Amedee Parcels RFP
Hammond was the deciding vote again to give the Amedee Parcels to Steve Pezzullo
* bob burns sat there and said nothing
about Hammond not being able to vote*
October 21, 2014
Rezoning Gift
Gets Well Deserved
On October 21, 2014, Hammond, Pyle and Wosick vote to re-zone a single parcel in Herlong a "Town Center" (in the middle of an agricultural zone).
Supervisors Trade Votes
Tom Hammond claimed that he voted yes on Pyle's and Wosick's issues so that they would vote on one of his issues.
Supervisor Albaugh votes No
Supervisor Chapman steps down from the Board and sits in the audience
A similar re-zoning gift was made before Jack
Hanson was re-called. Hanson
managed to re-zone his brother-in-laws (and
partners) property to "Town Center" before he left office
What is unique about this political move by Supervisor Hammond, is that it made no sense at all. The owner of this property could have requested a simple re-zone from Agricultural to Commercial.
The owner Lawrence Marion wants to build a mini-storage ?
This 10 acre desert parcel ( APN 139-060-33) sits 2100 ft from the Herlong airport. This mini-storage would accommodate commodities flown in and out of the Herlong airport with little or no monitoring. The Owner claims he will build in phases (?). He also plans to build a residence on the property.
This 10 acre desert parcel will be subject to the Herlong Airport Land Use Plan which limits the type of construction. This parcel sits in the "Designated Safety Areas".
So why the "Town Center" Supervisor Hammond ?
Simple: It adds value to this parcel.
The CAO claims that surrounding property owners were sent notices
Mr. Marion purchased this property from Joseph and Lorayne White on May 23, 2005. The property was listed as "commercial" with manufacturing as a "use". Mr. Marion paid $45,000 for this desert parcel with only a septic tank as an improvement.
The value increases when you re-zone to "Town Center"
The Lassen County Planning Director Anderson and CAO Egan were in favor of expanding the new "Town Center" zone.
February 14, 2014
Teeny Tiny Itty Bitty Conflict of Interest
District 6, Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Director
Supervisor Hammond did not list being a Director of PSREC on his 700 form on October 15, 2013. PSREC & LMUD provide services within the District he represents.
Supervisor Hammond must resign his PSREC Board position.
Video link: Part I, @ 37:27 and Part 6, @ 16:44
Lassen County Supervisor Tom Hammond promotes Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative twice, at February 11, 2014 Board of Supervisors meeting. Julie Morgan tells the Supervisors they need redundancy with their internet connection and recommends that the County contract with Frontier. Supervisor Hammond does not recuse himself from the discussion and violates the County's Conflict-of-Interest Policy (Section 7 (b) of Lassen County's "Rules and Regulations") and continues to promote PSERC.
The empty chair in the room
The Lassen County Non-Counsel, who is always glued to her computer seemed to be oblivious to the meeting , said nothing.
She is no longer County Counsel.
Hammond needed to step down in order to avoid a conflict of interest complaint with the FPPC. Since Hammond sits on the Board of PSREC, he could have easily arranged for the PSREC General Manager to give a marketing presentation to the Supervisors.
Tom Hammond's History with
the Local Reuse Authority's Herlong Property
Board of Supervisors: Wosick, Hanson, Chapman, Dahle, Pyle
August 30, 2007
Tom Hammond signed a one year lease with LRA. for the Deli in Herlong. This is Parcel "P" of the LRA property. No rent was being paid.
The County Assessor later assigned an APN number of 139-160-80 (formerly APN 139-160-76 ??), after the County sold this parcel to Mr. Hammond on November 30, 2011 (Recorded as Doc. # 2011-06155)
May 1, 2008
After 9 months of renovations, Tom Hammond opened the Deli in Herlong.
September 1, 2008
Tom Hammond told Joe Bertotti that he would continue to receive this reduced rent while he continued to remodel the building. There was nothing in Tom Hammond's lease that reduced his rent while he was remodeling. The lease stated that Tom Hammond's rent would be $1 a month for 3 months and then $500 per month for the remainder of the Lease.
The LRA received a check for $12 in September 2008.
May 8, 2009
Joe Bertotti, acting Assistant Director of the LRA, met with Tom Hammond to discuss the Lease. Joe Bertotti claims that he informed Mr. Hammond that the County expects the $6,000 back rent ($500 per month).
July 1, 2009
Tom Hammond delivered a $500 check to Joe Bertotti. Joe Bertotti was informed by CAO John Kettleson that he is to get the back rent or evict him.
August 3, 2009
Joe Bertotti informed County Counsel Craig Settlemire that Tom Hammond was delinquent on his rent.
August 4, 2009
Joe Bertotti received a DRAFT of Tom Hammond's "Addendum to Lease" for Herlong Deli and forwarded this to Lassen County Counsel. Some one at the County rejected Tom Hammonds offer. Tom Hammond continued to be on a $500 month to month rental agreement with the County.
July 19, 2011
Tom Hammond submits an "Offer to Purchase" the LRA property where he operates the "Gas House Deli" (LRA Parcel P, 1003 Sierra Street, Herlong, CA). This offer is ignored by the Supervisors.
August 4, 2011
Lassen County Counsel Richard Crabtree sent a MEMO to the Board of Supervisors about selling LRA Parcel P to Tom Hammond. Crabtree states that he will bring this issue up at the August 23, 2011 meeting.
August 9, 2011
Tom Hammond sends out Memo to the Supervisors expressing his displeasure with the way his issue is being handled
Board Discusses Possible Sale to Tom Hammond
Board places LRA property at end of Agenda again (H-5b). Richard Crabtree (Red Bluff's attorney) is now acting as CAO and Lassen County Counsel.
August 9, 2011 Agenda
August 9, 2011 Minutes
August 23, 2011
No mention of this issue at the meeting. Economic Development was on the Agenda but no discussion of Tom Hammonds delinquent rent or selling the property.
October 5, 2011
The now Supervisor Albaugh was the Chairperson of the Planning Commission when he voted against selling the LRA Parcel "P" to Tom Hammond
Planning Commission Resolution 10-03-11
October 11, 2011
When the County does not want to draw attention to an issue, they will use several titles or names. In this case, "C-Mart", "Gas House Deli" , "Gas Light Deli" are used, then place it at the end of their Agenda under a Department that the public would not normally notice.
The Gas House Deli was placed at the "end" of the Agenda (H-5) under County Counsel.
October 11, 2011 Board of Supervisors Agenda
October 11, 2011 Board of Supervisors Minutes
October 13, 2011
The Board of Supervisors receives a Memorandum from Lassen County Counsel on Tom Hammonds July 19, 2011, offer to purchase LRA Parcel P, C-Mart", aka Gas Light Deli and Gas House Deli. Crabtree now suggests that it be placed on the October 18, 2011 Agenda
October 18, 2011
The Lassen County Board of Supervisors did not schedule the required Public Hearing to openly discuss the sale of "the Gas House Deli", aka "C-Mart", "Gas Light Deli" at 1003 Sierra Street, Herlong.
The Supervisors placed this issue again, at the end of the Agenda (H-1 under the heading of County Counsel) with a recommendation for a "Public Hearing" on the sale of LRA Parcel P, C-Mart.
October 18, 2011 Board of Supervisors Agenda
October 18, 2011 Board of Supervisors Minutes
Resolution 11-049, Notice of Intent to Sell, was adopted
Wosick informs the Supervisors that Tom Hammond "owns" the Gas House Deli.
Yes, Mr. Hammond owns the business but not the County building
Resolution 11-049 refers to this property as "THE MARK"
The Board of Supervisors do not distinguish between the words "TO SELL" OR "TO TRANSFER" and conveniently determine that a PUBLIC BIDDING is optional
transfer= free
sale= purchase for money
Resolution 11-049
Question: Is it the intent of the County to give this parcel to Tom Hammond for FREE or next to nothing?
October 19, 2011
The Interim Director of Lassen County's Economic Development Department sends a Memo to the Board of Supervisors advising them that the replacement value of the Gas House Deli (The Mark) is $240,000.
November 3, 2011
County Counsel Crabtree (Red Bluff's Crabtree) sends a Memo to the Board of Supervisors stating that Resolution 11-049 was approved by the Board on October 18, 2011. Richard Crabtree suggests having the Public Hearing on November 8, 2011.
November 8, 2011
The Lassen County Supervisors place the "Intent to Sell" the LRA Parcel P on their Agenda for a Public Hearing. The Board voted to waive the $10,000 back rent and to sell the property to Tom Hammond for $10,000. Basically giving him the property for his delinquent rent. Sweet deal.
November 8, 2011 Minutes
Tom Hammond's Deed for LRA Parcel P was recorded on November 30, 2011 (Document 2011-06155)
He was able to get the property for his back rent?
Suupervisor Dahle was correct when he stated that these properties were not meant to show favoritism
On September 24, 2013, Tom Hammond voted to approve the sale of over 400 acres of LRA property for $31,900.
One building on the V-2 Parcel was insured by the County for $25 million dollar. Stephen Pezzullo purchased $8million of property for $31,900
Tom Hammond purchased a $240,000 property for his $10,000 in back rent.