Susanville Police Chief, Chris Gallagher- Resigns
*one of the qualifications for being a Lassen County Supervisor*
March 27, 2018
The new Chairman of the Board of Supervisors thinks he can vote on any issue and later is allowed to ignore the will of the Board.
On January 9, 2018, the Lassen County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to approve Chris Gallaghers $500 donation to a newly formed Neighborhood Watch in Westwood. This group was not an IRS tax-exempt organization but was registered with the IRS as a non-profit. Chris Gallagher then decided that he would not issue the $500 check. He claims that he was told that Discretionary Funds need to be registered with the IRS as tax-exempt (501 (c) 3 or 4 corporation).
After researching the groups that the Supervisors give Discretionary Funds to and speaking with the IRS, Franchise Tax Board and the Secretary of State's office, Kan We Help found that over 4 dozen checks that have been written to NON-TAX EXEMPT businesses (Supervisors friends)
The public websites for the IRS, Franchise Tax Board and Secretary of State confirmed that the County has been giving away money against their own policy. (that any Discretionary Funds must be tax-exempt).
On March 27, 2018, the Board of Supervisors voted (Agenda H) not only to give a private club $1,000 but voted to allow this private club the use of Lassen County's insurance. This private club is not registered as a tax-exempt non-profit.
Gallagher claimed that Lassen County sponsors the event that the Lassen Sportsman's Club holds each year. The Supervisors have donated tax-payers dollars to this private club for decades without adding it to any Budget.
And yet, each year, they donate large amounts to a private non-tax exempt club from the Discretionary Fund that does not allow such donations.
Gallaghers Travels:
Arcata, Watsonville, Susanville, Los Banos, Susuanville
January 9, 2018
Chris Gallagher elected to Chairman of the Lassen County Board of Supervisors
A man that cannot handle authority
November 8, 2016
Chris Gallagher elected to Lassen County District 1 Supervisor
Gallagher will replace rancher Bob Pyle
March 11, 2016
Five years later, Chris Gallagher wants to be a
Lassen County Supervisor in District 1 ???????
Susanville was "unfortunate" to get someone else's cast off......(see info below)
he doesn't get to carry a gun
March 22, 2011
July 26,2010
Gallagher Cashes in More Chips
Ex-Ex-Ex-Ex Police Chief Chris Gallagher lands a "public" job in Lassen County. He is now the Secretary/Manager of the Spalding Community Services District at Eagle Lake. This is a political appointment from Supervisor Bob Pyle.
he doesn't get to carry a gun
September 11, 2009
Former Susanville Police Chief hired to drive County bus
Chris Gallagher, after pulling strings at the County, was hired as a Lassen County bus driver today. ($8.00 an hour)
Does he get to carry a gun?
QUESTION: How long will he stay at this job?
January 24, 2009
Gallagher Doesn't Stay Long.....anywhere
September 6, 2006
Chris Gallagher Doesn't Stay Long
What happened in Watsonville, Arcata?
Chris Gallagher was a Lieutenant in the Watsonville Police Department in 1999.
Watsonville Police Chief, on June 22, 1999, put Chris Gallagher in charge of installing the "Santa Cruz Metro Records System". This system was a database linking Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, Capitola and Watsonville police departments.
""The flow of information between agencies is going to change dramatically", said Watsonville police Lt. Chris Gallagher, who will manage the system."
*So what happened?
*One year later, on July 28, 2000, the Watsonville Animal Shelter was put under the Watsonville Police Department. The officers were now the dogcatchers. Sound vaguely familiar?
He came to Susanville in mid 2002.
We all know how Chris Gallagher feels about Animal Control. Gallagher eliminated the Susanville Animal Control Program in June of 2005.
Is this Gallagher's Nemesis?
Gallagher may not like other animals
besides SKUNKS !!!!!
Is the Arcata Police Department somewhere in between Watsonville and Susanville?
Now, after only 3 1/2 years, in Susanville, he will move on to the Los Banos Police Department. Hmmm?
August 31, 2006
Chief of Police Chris Gallagher's last
day will be September
Gallagher will start his new job at the Los Banos Police Department on September 17, 2006. Their loss, our gain.
Susanville Police Chief Skunked
The unpopular Police Chief has been marketing himself to other cities since his legendary skunk incident. Gallagher's unpopularity began before the skunk shooting at the Fairgrounds. Gallagher's Bunker Mentality was a little much for this small community.
Gallagher hired an attorney in Chico to threaten this website with a lawsuit. Since there was no libel published about the Chief the threats and the lawsuit went away. Now....the Chief will go away.
The Chief gave the City of Susanville an opportunity to keep him if they matched what he was offered in Los Banos. The City declined to entertain any offers to keep Gallagher. The offer, if accepted, would have made the Chief the highest paid employee in the City. City Manager, Luann Rainey receives $105,000 a year plus benefits.
NOTE: Will the Chief take all of the stuffed skunks with him or will he leave them for the next Chief of Police as a reminder of Gallaghers blunders in his short stint as Susanville Chief of Police?
July 31, 2006
The Susanville Police Department is "Daddy Day Care" Center
At 11:30 AM, the Susanville Police Department had children running all around behind the new "Security" wall. Chief Gallagher recently closed off the main lobby with a bullet proof window and walls. This was Chief Gallagher's #1 Goal for his department.
#1 Goal: "Harden the facility to protect it and its employees from outside threats".
One thing for sure, those children were " safe"
July 18, 2006
Susanville Chief of Police has new "animal control" method
......just shoot it !!!!!
Susanville Police Chief, Chris Gallagher, discharged his weapon many times for an animal control incident at a Rotary barbeque last week at the Fairgrounds.
Since Chief Gallagher eliminated the Animal Control Officer, in lieu of hiring his friend, there was no one to call for an out-of- control, possibly rabid, possibly plague infested,............. but most likely just a public nuisance....... SKUNK
July 15, 2006
Susanville Police Chief Gallagher believes that no one can have an opinion about him. link
1. In your opinion, is Chief Gallagher qualified to be Police Chief?
NO 2643 YES 1073
2. In your opinion, is Chief Gallagher abusive and a bully?
NO 1060 YES 2656
3. In your opinion does Chief Gallagher have a "bunker mentality"?
NO 782 YES 2934
July 11, 2006
Gallagher Gets No Support From Susanville Council Members or Local Business Owners
May 21, 2006
Susanville Police Chief Gallagher has suddenly developed a "Bunker mentality"
Gallagher's #1 Goal
Money for "fortification", no money for Animal Control
The City of Susanville re-instated $24,000 in the 2006/2007 Budget for Animal Control and says that it is only for Dispatch ?
1.Did Chief Gallagher purchase a "bomb" proof evidence room?
2. Did Chief Gallagher install an electric gate across the police parking area?
3. Did Chief Gallagher install a wall in the police station lobby requiring the public to talk through a bullet proof glass?
Chief Gallagher brought this "bunker mentality" baggage with him.
Definition bunker mentality: mental condition requiring fortification
Could these possibly be the Chief's next purchases:
1. Abrams Tanks for speeding tickets
2. Early radar systems for incoming missiles
Is this Gallaghers vision, of public safety, for Susanville?
When it comes down to the daily, if not hourly, safety of all adults and children concerning roaming and stray dogs, Gallagher's safety strategy is to eliminate all animal control
Remember Gallagher is just another employee of the City of Susanville.
Your elected representatives, better known as the City Council, are the ones who are directly responsible for this ridiculous debacle.
Do the citizens have the right to know Chris Gallagher's employment history before he was hired in Susanville to be Police Chief? Yes
How many times has Gallagher been fired?
Chief Gallagher states that he has never been fired
Why did Chris Gallagher leave his last "two" positions?
Susanville was "unfortunate" to get someone else's cast off......
Peace Officer Personnel Records/Citizens Complaints
"California Penal Code Section 832.7 on its face appears to exempt from disclosure peace officers personnel records. As interpreted in Bradshaw v City of Los Angeles, 221 Cal. App.3d 908 (1990) however, the statute applies only to litigation and does not preclude law enforcement agencies from releasing information contained in peace officer's personnel file."
In Bradshaw, a Los Angeles police officer was accused of misconduct. The information was released to the public. Bradshaw sued the city of Los Angeles for releasing the personnel file and lost. The court found that the only information that the Police Departments cannot release is the address and home telephone number.
Police officers personnel files can be released by filing a Public Records request.
May 5, 2006
A few select signs survived......
Susanville Chief of Police personally removed political signs and the candidates will have to pay a fee to get them back, over 500.
Chief Gallagher confiscated the signs on May 4, 2006 but left selected signs ????
Is this how they will pay for the City Managers 5% salary increase voted and approved at the May 3, 2006 Council meeting.
Rocky Joy's sign was not taken in Gallagher's raid on 5/4/06
This sign was spared...........
April 21, 2006
Susanville Chief of Police remodeling Police Department
This was not the best time to spend money on a remodel when the City claims that they are in financial straits. The Police Department is remodeling.......where did they get the money?
38% of the City's budget is spent for the Police Department. Only 17% is spent for the Fire Department.
Susanville has a population of less than 7,000 people (10,000 are prisoners) and 38% of the budget is spent on police. That's over $2,000,000 annually for 7,000 people.
The Fire Department should have the 38% and the Police Department should be 17% of the Budget. Susanville is a high desert partially forested area. The City should reconsider it's priorities.
April 19, 2006
Will the Susanville City Council let the City be the next
KWH asks the City to donate animal control truck to Shelter.
refused Susanville
Animal Control
This Susanville City Council only is a "personal profit" Council
Just simply look at their screams of mismanagement
The public cannot expect any Council decisions that benefit the PUBLIC first.
Council refused to put the Animal Control Equipment to work in the city until KWH asked them to donate this equipment to the Animal Shelter.
After the KWH request, the Susanville Police Department placed the "dog box" back on the "Animal Control" truck .
The Police Department is presently using the Animal Control truck for parking tickets.....
April 5, 2006
March 9, 2006
Susanville City Council dragging feet on animal control.
This is now a fulltime problem that requires a fulltime solution
The Susanville Chief of Police fired the Animal Control Officer in June of 2005. The specially ordered truck and "dog box" has not been used since. Shortly after Gallagher fired the Animal Control Officer, he hired a friend and promoted this friend over other disserving officers.
Chief Gallagher puts Susanville citizens at risk
When dogs are allowed to run loose, they eventually form packs. Unaltered dogs that run loose will eventually breed . If they breed with feral/wild dogs, it will take years for the City of Susanville to resolve the problem. In the meantime, the Lassen County Seat remains AT RISK.
On February 13, 2006, this dog had been running loose at the Riverside Park for more than four hours. Families were stopping to enjoy the park but had to leave because of the nuisance and uncertainty of this loose dog. A Susanville police officer drove by when this dog was in the middle of Riverside Drive and the officer did nothing but go around it.
February 16, 2006
Kan We Help meets with Lassen County Health Department Staff, County Sheriff, City Police, Banner Medical Center on Dog Bite Reports
February 15, 2006
Doug Ames, Lassen County Environmental Health Director, was asked to call a meeting by Kevin Mannel, after KWH brought concerns of protocol not being met for submitting Dog Bite Reports throughout the County.
Fifteen attended this meeting to re-enforce the process, including representatives from the Susanville Police, Lassen County Sheriff's Department, Michelle Joy (CEO of Banner Medical), Teena Carver (Banner Emergency), Dr. Holmes (Northeastern Health) and various staff from the Health Department.
Kan We Help submitted a hand-out for attendees link
Kevin Mannel proposed a Memorandum of Understanding be drafted for attendees to consider.
January 23, 2006
look for this postcard in your mailbox...
The message.......
Susanville Police Officer Wood fails to arrest DUI:
CHP arrest DUI's, DA lets them go
Susanville Police just let them go
Lassen County District Attorney asks Susanville Chief of Police to investigate unlawful distribution of public funds by LMUD
Chris Gallagher decision puts LMUD at risk
Gallagher claims Cady is an officer of LMUD
"Uncertainty now exists as to the exposure of the Lassen Municipal Utility District for unlawful disbursement of public funds"
This District Attorney will jump on any charge against a private citizen for embezzlement but you will never see this district attorney ever investigate wrong doing by elected officials when it involves hundreds of thousands of public dollars and his re-election.
Burns and Gallagher are attempting to make Frank Cady an officer of LMUD, but Frank Cady established that he was not an officer when he changed LMUD's Conflict of Interest Code
Stealing $300.00 is Grand Theft link Complaints to Robert Burns
Susanville Police Lieutenant Mineau Resigns
Those that know patience, know peace
KWH asks for cooperation from the Susanville Police Department. to enforce the laws at the LMUD meetings.
Link KWH requests help from Chief Link Chief's response to KWH
Link KWH response to Gallagher
Ten people attended the LMUD meeting on November 6, 2003 and three Susanville police officers were called....Why? Does Chris Gallagher work for the people or Frank Cady?
No incident provoked this reaction, just a phone call from Frank Cady and people jump. Chris Gallagher just said...HOW HIGH FRANK?
Chief Gallagher overreacts and calls for backup. ??????