5,743 METERS/3,000 Members
$.064 per KWHas of 6/23/12
September 19, 2012
Surprise Valley Management Claims No Involvement in Hayden Hill Transmission Line
Surprise Valley Electric's General Manager Jim Hays and Willow Creek landowner Van Thein remember it a little differently
LMUD Treasurer Fred Nagel signed the check to purchase Hayden Hill
Leonard Gibson gave LMUD Bookkeeper Bill Stewart this check
LMUD Bookkeeper Bill Stewart posted the $30,000 check to LMUD's account as a REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT
September 12, 2012
Kinross Attorneys Subpoena
Surprise Valley General Managers
Depositions on 9/19/12
July 26, 2012
THE Help,
Surprise Valley Electric Cooperative Board and Help
Dan Silveria,front row,first on the right
Surprise Valley Electric Cooperative is a private non-profit rural electric company owned by the members it serves
Lassen Municipal Utility District is a public non-profit electric company owned by the members it serves and allows any PSREC or SVEC person that wants to sit on the LMUD Board.
Dan Silveria was the General Manager of Surprise Valley Electric Cooperative for 25 years and is a self-pronounced "Buddy"of Frank Cady
Dan Silveria is no longer the General Manager of SVEC, as of the end of June, 2012.
It is unclear if Mr. Silveria was fired, resigned or retired. It is clear that the SVEC Board wants to give him an obscene million dollar 5 year "retirement/severance" package. The SVEC Board could not tell the members, at their July 26 meeting, if Mr. Silveria was still collecting a paycheck. Outraged members demanded that Mr. Silveria not be allowed on SVEC property. Board members were reluctant to agree since they expressed a "need" to continue their relationship with Mr. Silveria.
Outraged members demanded that Mr. Silveria not be allowed on SVEC property. Sid Howard, blue shirt front row, expressed to the SVEC Board that Mr. Silveria's terms need to be in writing as soon as possible. The SVEC Board reluctantly agreed.
Board members were reluctant to agree since they expressed a "need" to continue their relationship with Mr. Silveria.
The SVEC members, at their April 2012 meeting, demanded that the Board hire a private investigator to look into charges against Dan Silveria and Board members. The SVEC members had great concerns over allegations of Board abuses and Dan Silveria's abusive treatment of employees and inventory and security issues.
SVEC attorney Albert Monaco, from the firm
Bogardus & Nichols in Lakeview, Oregon, stated that when the investigation was
completed that he would review it and report back to the Board. However, since
the SVEC members were paying for it, they demanded that it be released in its
entirety. The Investigation took several months and was completed on June 28,
2012 and on June 28, 2012 Dan Silveria was no longer the General Manager of
Surprise Valley Electric. Issues remain with the misconduct of Board
Kan We Help had been talking with Mr. Silveria about the Hayden Hill Gold Mine transmission lines. It was a complete surprise, on July 26, that he was no longer the General Manager. The SVEC Board stated that Jim Hays will now be the contact for information on SVEC's involvement with the Hayden Hill transmission line.
Dan Silveria contradicted statements that had been made by Frank Cady and Fred Nagel that SVEC was interested in the Hayden Hill transmission lines. Cady unsuccessfully attempted to get the Lassen County Board of Supervisors to waive the removal of the Hayden Hill transmission lines because SVEC was going to use them until LMUD could take them over after the PHONY Bonneville 230 kv line was brought down into California to connect with LMUD
The Hayden Hill transmission line ceased to have any value after Kinross closed the mine down and Cady and the LMUD Board new this fact for years before they purchased the lines for $65,000.
The gold mines electric power starts with a SVEC connection at A2/Hwy 139 and runs 8 miles down Hwy 139 to Hayden Hill Road. The transmission line then runs 5 miles to the gold mine site. NOTE: The Gold Mine is not in LMUD's service area
The Lassen Municipal Utility District Board has exposed their ratepayers to an obscene liability.
LMUD electric rates will skyrocket when this is all said and done.