France "e-mail" People
"Letters to the
Editor" have lost all
The newspaper publishes fake letters by fake people
September 4, 2006
Lassen County Times Readers Angry About the Deceptions
This website is receiving many, many complaints about the current management of Lassen County Times.
First and foremost, you should be sending these complaints to them not us. However we do understand and appreciate that they have been rude, callous and obdurate to your concerns.
We would like to share, with you, just this one exchange of correspondence between Chuck Garner and the Editor of the Times, Barbara France.
The actual LCT policy seems to be drastically different than what the public is told
The controversy began when Mr. Garner started noticing major similarities between the writings of the pseudo author "Tucker Jones" and Chris Kozak.
Where is the Lassen County Times Rule for No fictitious people?
There is NONE
The Times has stooped to inventing people.
Barbara France knew that "Nikki Smith" was a fake name, she knew that "Liz Mahan was a fake name, she knew that "Drant Wilson" was a fake name and published the phony letters anyway. You get one guess as to who the author is.............
Smith..."I'm using a fake name"
Managing Editor of Lassen County Times publishes fake letters to the editor......
Mahan, "Love how u tell everyone I stopped writing when you found me
out, my real id that is"
Both letters are written by the "fake" Liz Mahon
More France "e-mail" People 6/27/06
France promoted "Nikki's" activities
The authorities took immediate action against "Nikki Smith" and friends
"Nikki Smith" and friends now face libel suit
Barbara France and her imaginary friend, aka "Nikki Smith" arrived exactly when "Liz Mahan" slipped away. Hmmmmmm
Barbara France's "Nikki" continue to send KWH weird obsessive and now pretty frightening e-mails.
We will be happy to publish these e-mails and you be the judge.
Here is the latest. This one is threatening and has been turned over to federal authorities.
Her "Nikki" has also committed libel and slander. This has been turned over to KWH's attorneys.
"Nikki", apparently is so desperate that she has resorted to full blown libel.............very sad
Kan We Help wrote "Lizzy" a final message and the same applies to "Nikki" :
"You and your friends are exactly why the KWH organization exists. Clean up your act and we go away. Simple"
Barb's "Nikki, Liz and Drant", have now gone after the children of KWH members.
A very Christian thing to do................or
is this what a desperate coward
does? Pretty sad and
pretty pathetic.
HELLO PEOPLE....................
You simply cannot change what Rocky has done, Taborski has done........Cady has done, Nagel has done. They "own" what they have done.
"Lizzy" threatens to keep on writing this website. She probably threatens the sun not to shine too........
Lassen County Times Managing Editor, Barbara France's Best shot , at Kan We Help, falls short
On May 4, 206, Kan We Help began receiving dozens of e-mails from the one and only fictitious famous "Liz Mahan", after KWH exposed (May 3, 2006) the City of Susanville-Taborski land scam deal.
Someone from the KWH Executive Committee normally tries to answer all of the e-mails that are received. "Liz Mahan' aka, DW, DM or BF had no idea "who" would be reading or answering her rantings to Kan We Help's e-mail address.
FACT: This website has only been challenged once in court as to the content, and we prevailed. Kan We Help has established credibility because we print the truth.
The truth may be distasteful for the Lassen County Times simply because they are unfamiliar with the word or lack any concept of the word or have any obligation to the word.
Kan We Help warned Barbara France that if she published her buddy's rantings that this website would publish the e-mails not only from "Liz Mahan" but from Barbara France as well.
Now, let's have some fun.........................Copies of the e-mails