September 3, 2008
the Lassen County Grand Jury finally slams LMUD
...a terminally corrupt utility
Traditionally Judge Bradbury has appointed LMUD
counsel and LMUD management to the Grand Jury. LMUD complaints,
in the past, have not been acted on but
Judge Bradbury was a partner with Frank Cady and Craig
Kellison in a real estate company that was known as BKC.
1. A complaint was received and confirmed
that a Lassen Municipal Utilities District contractor was paid by LMUD to cut
trees on private property outside of the LMUD area of coverage.
2. A complaint was received and confirmed
concerning Lassen Municipal Utility District Board member Jay Dow Jr's conflict
of interest by the Grand Jury. Jaimee Jones approved
both Lavacot and Dow voting on the Ag kick backs.
3. A complaint was received and confirmed
concerning the sealed bid disposal of Lassen Municipal Utility District surplus
property frequently being
awarded to parties closely associated
with the LMUD Directors or the General Manager.
(Fred Nagel, Wayne Langston,
Ray Luhring)
4. The Grand Jury requested a copy of the policy
and procedure manual from the Lassen Municipal Utility District business office.
The manual was missing all LMUD Resolutions passed after 2005.(Frank
Cady was hired in July 2005).
Where's the public indictment? This is just the "tip of the iceberg" people........................................
PART II: LMUD Directors, General Manager and legal counsel have allowed PSREC resident, Fred Nagel, to be on the LMUD Board in order to do PSREC's business.