Election Codes  page one  Nagel Elections



(b)  ...A district making that request shall supply information regarding qualified voters pursuant to Section 10525, and any other pertinent information requested by the county elections official.

Lassen County Clerk determines the qualifications of any applicant wishing to run for an elected position

Note: LMUD failed  in its' attempt to include other Lassen County utility company's in it's Sphere of Influence.  PSREC, PGE, Surprise Valley Electric are not within LMUD's boundaries. The other utility companies are however within Lassen County.  LMUD's Ward boundaries can only include their service boundaries.

LMUD is required, as SMUD and EBMUD, to submit a data base with their customers to the Registrar of Voters so that proper ballots can be issued. LMUD has never complied with this requirement.

Sacramento County Election Officer uses the Census to determine the qualified voters for Sacramento Municipal Utility District. No other utility company customers are allowed on their ballot. Qualified candidates and voters must live within the service boundaries of SMUD