December 11, 2014
The public Request For Proposal to sell the 3576.49 acre contaminated surplus property
given to Lassen County in 2003 by the Sierra Army Depot
FIRST BID -$35,000
Recently formed: 4/23/14 California corporate ID: C3669150
Recently formed: 9/12/12 Nevada corporate ID: E0473932012-0
According to the California Secretary of State, this was formally US Central Africa Diamond Mine and the corporation status was suspended on January 26, 2001. The World Diamond Council banned blood/conflict diamonds in Central Africa in 2001.
Scott Dockter moves around a lot and seems to be a "FOR HIRE" CEO. His last job was at a web company called Port of Call. He left Port of Call on October 27, 2014 and is now with the newly formed US MINE
SECOND BID -$25,000
Recently formed: 9/25/13 California corporate ID: 201327010167
This corporation was formed immediately after Lassen County Supervisors sold the township of Herlong, to Steve Pezzullo for $31,900 which included, in the Deed, the "One Stop" building that was recently renovated with State funds. The funds were granted to the County with a legal caveat that it must be held for 20 years. So much for laws in Lassen County
HSP bid $25,000 but wants to swap the "One Stop" for the Amedee Airfield parcels. HSP purchased the mineral rights to the land north of the Amedee Airfield