
 Amedee Airfield


HSP's  Amedee Parcel Taxes reduced due to the "unavailability" of the Army's Amedee Airfield in Herlong.


  Amedee Army Airfield Parcel APN's

133-070-22 (west end)

133-070-23 (west end)

133-070-14 (west end)

133-080-59 (center)

133-080-64 (east end)

133-120-14 (east end)


HSP had 3 secret meetings with Supervisor Hammond and the Base Commander and his staff who told HSP that they would let HSP use the Army's Airfield.  HSP included their assumption when they submitted their response to Lassen County's RFP.

This "deal" was terminated when KWH exposed the secret deal to the TACOM Command