Bradbury corruption

Preliminary Injunction

Exhibit C

LMUD- Ex Parte Order to Show Cause Why Order of Sale of Dwelling Should Not Be Made

(Judge Hayden set a hearing date, but Judge Sokol did not set a hearing date for this preliminary injunction Order to Show Cause on May 18, 2010. Judge Sokol did not want this publicly heard)

Property owned by David Jenne, not by Eileen Spencer

LMUD's attempt to Satisfy Judgment #36791

Plaintiff: Kan We Help, an unincorporated association



































Judge Darlington stated that the Jenne v LMUD case had nothing to do with judgment against  Kan We Help or Eileen Spencer.

Judge Darlington was given this document and never intended to tell the truth about the Jenne v LMUD back room deal he made with Judge Bradbury. 

LMUD was under the impression  that David Jenne had purchased Title insurance so they could collect $70,000 from Cal Sierra Title Company.

Eileen Spencer had no interest in this property. LMUD twice  failed to file a correct Abstract of Judgment against Kan We Help and Eileen Spencer and blamed Cal Sierra for not finding the judgment. LMUD then filed an order to sell David Jenne's property.

NO CONFLICT HERE: Cady is LMUD's General Manager and his law partner files the court papers