Imagine one day without the counsel of Frank Cady. Then imagine a week without the services of Frank Cady. Please now imagine the possibility of a month without any Frank Cady advice.
RESULTS: A Board that would have to learn how to run a meeting legally, a Board that will have to learn the power industry on their own, a Board that will not spend money before contracts are signed and approved, a Board that will look to each other for counsel instead of staring at Frank Cady for every decision, a Board that would save $300,000 a year and be able to minimize the litigation with an "on-call" competent attorney, an attorney that isn't allowed to "re-invent himself for profit", a Board that would not even consider actions that are not beneficial to the District and finally the Board would not have to constantly HIDE their activities. IMAGINE: CONDUCTING A HONEST BUSINESS WITH PUBLIC MONEY !!!! IMAGINE THAT CONCEPT